How can I connect to MySQL Database using python? In command line to download.) For Mac. Install MySQL Connector Python. Python MySQL Database Connectivity to. Mar 29, 2017  Question: Q: What's the best database software to use on the mac? Please forgive me if I've posted to the wrong community - it's my first time here. I currently have a complex Access 2007 database that I'd like to duplicate so it can be run on a mac, without using parallels and windows. Mac OS & System Software. This User Tip describes how to download, install, and setup MySQL for use on OS X. It should be a one-word name with no. Kafka Connector to MySQL Source – In this Kafka Tutorial, we shall learn to set up a connector to import and listen on a MySQL Database. To setup a Kafka Connector to MySQL Database source, follow the step by step guide: Install Confluent Open Source Platform. Refer Install Confluent Open Source Platform. Download MySQL connector for Java. This forum has moved to: Please visit the new forum for updates.

13 3 likes 49,016 views Last modified Nov 24, 2013 4:14 PM

Foglight Database Monitoring. For 8.6 MR3 Mac connector. Language instead of the client’s one. The macOS Connector should have the 2018 year in. MySQL Connector/Arduino 1.1 The newest release of the MySQL Connector/Arduino library release-1.1 alpha is available for download. This new version represents a major step forward for the library in ease of use. Don't try using SLIP and setting up the connector code together. Get the one working first.

This User Tip describes how to download, install, and setup MySQL for use on OS X. It includes an optional section for Perl support. Please read through the entire User Tip before starting.


  1. Basic understanding of and how to run command-line programs.
  2. Basic usage of vi. You can substitute nano if you want.


Xcode (with command line tools) is required for the MySQL Perl driver.

Mac 10 5 8 free download - Apple Mac OS Update 8.6, Apple Mac OS Update 8.5.1, Apple Mac OS Update 9.0.4, and many more programs. Java Update for Mac OS X 10.3.9. Upgrade your version of Java. Java download for mac 10.5.8. Jun 28, 2011  Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10 delivers improved compatibility, security, and reliability by updating J2SE 5.0 to 1.5.0_30, and updating Java SE 6. Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10 - Java update for Leopard. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate. Download, install, or update Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 for Mac from MacUpdate. Requirements for Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later. Similar Software. Open Comparison. Jun 28, 2012  Where can I get the java download for this? Do i need to update my Mac OS software? MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8) Posted on Jun 28, 2012 8:11 AM. Reply I have this question too I have this question too Me too. Question: Q: java for Mac OS 10.5.8 More Less. Apple Footer.

Lines in bold are what you will have to type in at the Terminal.

Replace <your local host> with the name of your machine. Ideally, it should be a one-word name with no spaces or punctuation. It just makes life easier.

Replace <your short user name> with your short user name.

Download MySQL from a local mirror. You want the Mac OS X ver. 10.6 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive. At the time of writing this User Tip, the current version is 5.5.34. By the time you read this, there may be a newer version to use instead. Open the archive mysql-5.5.34-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg.

Install only the mysql-5.5.34-osx10.6-x86_64.pkg package. Ignore everything else.

MySQL comes with a Preference Pane and Startup Item that are based on technologies that Apple deprecated years ago. If you install the Preference Pane or Startup Item, your MySQL installation could fail at some point in the future when Apple removes support for Startup Items. This was reported to MySQL a long time ago. Until MySQL gets around to fixing this bug, we will have to do it ourselves.

Create a launchd config file for MySQL:

sudo vi /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mysql.mysql.plist

Use the following content:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC '-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN' ''>

<plist version='1.0'>













(if you are new to vi, type 'i' to enter insert mode. Then ⌘-v to paste the above content. Press escape to get back to command mode. Then type 'ZZ' to save and exit.)

The default path for the MySQL socket is not appropriate for MacOS X. Until it is changed, MySQL will not be able to communicate with PHP should you choose to enable that. Let's fix this now.

Create a config file for MySQL that matches the Apple PHP build:

sudo vi /etc/my.cnf

Use the following content:





Start MySQL:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mysql.mysql.plist

MySQL is now up and running. Don't forget to set a root password and configure your users if this is all you need.

If you need to configure Perl support for MySQL, don't setup a root password just yet. Having no password will make testing the Perl module easier. Keep reading..

You will need Xcode and command line tools for this part.

Download the MySQL Perl driver.

Extract the archive with:

tar zxvf DBD-mysql-4.020.tar.gz

Move into the directory:

cd DBD-mysql-4.020

First, fix the MySQL client library. (credit)

For Lion, type:

sudo install_name_tool -id /usr/local/mysql-5.5.34-osx10.6-x86_64/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/mysql-5.5.34-osx10.6-x86_64/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

Next, build DBD::mysql with:

perl Makefile.PL --mysql_config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --testsocket=/var/mysql/mysql.sock --testuser=root


make test

sudo make install

Now you can set a root password and configure your users.

Active8 years ago

I would started a database project (Accounting Application) for now Mac version which will be available in AppStore.For future might be on iOS, Windows and web base.I need database app that don't need the database ported to other platforms just by changing the UI and other sources I able to port it, no need to touch the database.

I'm a bit confuse to choose a suitable database SDK or etc!

Ror example I can choose:
• SQL Server
• SQLlite
• FileMaker
• Cocoa SQL

Remember I need:
1- Something not to complicate and easy to use it on XCode.
2- Have a bit security on the file.
3- the most XCode user using it.
4- Price is no problem.
5- Unicode fully compatible.

For my situation, which one do you recommend.

17.6k10 gold badges49 silver badges82 bronze badges

closed as primarily opinion-based by duskwuff, easwee, EdChum, karthik, greg-449Jul 16 '15 at 10:06

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

5 Answers

I think you're approaching the problem backwards - first you should be deciding on what development and deployment platform you want to use, and then select the best database server compatible with that platform.

What I mean by this is that whether you're using SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, or any other faceless database engine, that doesn't answer the question of how you're going to develop or deploy the application.

You also need to decide whether to write one application for deployment on all platforms, or if you're OK with rewriting the application for deployment on certain platforms. The only technology choices I'm aware of that will work across all the platforms you've mentioned is an HTML 5 web app (using Ruby, Java, .NET, PHP, or some other web development system) or FileMaker (using FileMaker Pro for Mac / Windows / Web deployment and FileMaker Go for iOS deployment). If you're OK with writing a desktop/iOS version separately from a web version, then you need to ask yourself how many versions you want to write. If you pick something like C / C++ / Obj-C, then you're going to need to pretty much re-write it for each platform you've mentioned (although you can port from iOS to OS X with less effort than the other platforms). If you pick Java, then you're set for web deployment, Mac deployment (although you can't distribute Java apps via the Mac App Store) and Windows deployment, but you'll need to use Obj-C or HTML 5 for iOS.

So in summary, the right approach is:

  1. Pick your deployment target(s)
  2. Based on that choice, pick your development system(s)
  3. Based on that choice, pick your database engine.
Jesse BarnumJesse Barnum

Which Connector Should One Download For Mac For Database Free

4,0453 gold badges28 silver badges49 bronze badges

If its for a single user application SQLite is probably the best option - its purpose built for embedded apptications. Its also portable between os types.

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Which Connector Should One Download For Mac For Database Windows 7

2,2892 gold badges20 silver badges25 bronze badges

I'd second the recommendation of SQLite as a lightweight database portable to multiple platforms. But what do you mean by 'fully compatible' with Unicode? See:

4,7802 gold badges27 silver badges38 bronze badges

It's hard to say what you need from your description, but from what I can glean, SQLite would be the logical choice. However, if you insist on actually having a database server, you should investigate PostgreSQL. It has a far more permissive license than MySQL.

10.1k11 gold badges51 silver badges82 bronze badges

I would advise you to pick a Database Management System based on your data management requirements rather than on your choice for other components of your system. In the end almost all of them support SQL. SQLite is a good choice for a portable client-only solution. SQL-Server, MySQL, Postgres, DB2 and Oracle are optimized for server-side transaction processing (lots of inserts and updates). Vectorwise, Vertica and MonetDB focus on analytical queries (e.g., statistical analytics on your data like group by). If you make a bad choice here you might face scalability/performance issues later which may be very expensive.

So pick your DBMS based on the anticipated usage pattern.

BTW: A License for an Oracle DBMS instance can easily go up to a couple of ten thousand dollars. So be careful when saying 'Price is not a problem'.

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Capture One Download For Mac

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