1. Node Js Free Download For Mac Windows 10
  2. Node Js Sample Applications
  3. Node Js Free Download For Mac Mac
  4. Node Js Free Download For Mac Download
  5. Node Js Free Download For Mac
Active1 year, 1 month ago

Download Node.js for macOS by clicking the 'Macintosh Installer' option. To verify that Node.js was installed correctly on your Mac, you can run the following. Watch video  Learn the essentials of Node.js and start creating your own JavaScript applications in this introductory training course. Alex Banks shows how to install Node.js on a Mac or PC and work with the Node.js core: the global object, event loop, http module, and file system.

  1. [Instructor] So now let's go overthe proper steps to install MPM on a Mac.So the first thing you want to dois go to nodejs.org.Once you get to that page you'llsee right away that you have theright links here to download the rightversions as well.But if you want another versionwhat you could do is click on other downloadsand then select the actual operating.
  2. How to Install and Use Node.js and npm (Mac, Windows, Linux). And download the Node installer. I have a 64-bit Windows 10 OS, so I chose that one. I write free.

recently, I started studying node.js

. my favorite IDE is eclipse, I guess everyone does like it.

However, when I installed nodeclipse plugin to Juno, yes, it worked,but no as fancy as I expected.

I searched and found webmatrix2 is quite good for node.js.

So, I'm going to try it.

Anyway, my question is if there is any good ide for mac..

Sooyong KimSooyong Kim

10 Answers

Eclipse is an option with the nodeclipse plugin. Visit: http://www.nodeclipse.org/

I still prefer Webstorm by JetBrains. They have a work-in-progress browser debugger as well.


This is a pretty old post, but I came across it in my search.

For people of the future, I would recommend https://atom.io

It has great git support and tons of cool plugins.

2,2461 gold badge23 silver badges29 bronze badges

Visual Studio Code is a great IDE for Node.js and Javascript. It is based on GitHub's Atom editor.

4,5453 gold badges20 silver badges35 bronze badges

Try inteliJ Idea 12.0 it has nice node.js plugin.

I use it right now. Idea has so much cool features. When you start to use it you forget about other Ides))

8,0902 gold badges36 silver badges41 bronze badges
Ishikawa YoshiIshikawa Yoshi
1,0404 gold badges17 silver badges40 bronze badges

Webstorm is pretty good and popular, and works on OSX: http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/

3902 gold badges4 silver badges15 bronze badges

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but I found this today when searching for IDE for Node.js.

It's called Nide (http://coreh.github.io/nide/).

Seems to be dedicated just for Node.js, although the trade off is, there's no native Windows or Linux version yet but apparently you can run it through or web browser, otherwise if you're on a Mac, you can install the native application dmg.

Just a note of warning: it's still in its early stages so don't depend your mission critical projects on it just yet! :P

9,5086 gold badges46 silver badges69 bronze badges

The node plugin is not supported on MacOS. See this page if you'd like to vote for MS to add support to VS on MacOS.


node-mirror is worth a shot. it has - syntax highlighting- error checking- a terminal- and a very rudimentary node.js debugger which is in development right now.

Internet Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP SP2, Shop With More Confidence Sweepstakes. Internet Explorer 7 has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. Apr 29, 2011  Internet Explorer only works on Windows. To use it, you would have to use a windows machine or install windows on your Mac. You could try changing the User Agent of Safari by going to Safari>Preferences>Advanced and checking the 'Show Develop menu in menu bar' option. Then under the Develop Menu change the user agent to Internet Explorer 7.0.

Node Js Free Download For Mac Windows 10


Try Webstorm from jetbrains.It comes with a pretty nice auto complete.Here is the link .But it comes with a price.If you need a free IDE,go for atom.io.

sreejith v ssreejith v s

Microsoft have just announced Visual Studio for Mac (as opposed to Visual Studio Code) and there is a plugin for Node.js.

Willem van KetwichWillem van Ketwich
2,4244 gold badges30 silver badges45 bronze badges

Node Js Sample Applications

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This article will tell you how to install Node JS and NPM(node package manager) on MacOS step by step. There are three ways to install it on mac, run the official installer, install node binary for macOS directly or use mac Homebrew package manager. We will introduce them all.

Node Js Free Download For Mac Mac

1. Install / Uninstall Node JS Use Node Installer For Mac.

  1. Download node js mac installer (pkg file) from node js official site.
  2. Click the downloaded file to open installer. Process the installation as normal by click next or continue button. Please note where the node js is installed. It will be installed to /usr/local/bin/node directory. And the npm( node package manager ) will be installed to /usr/local/bin/npm directory.
  3. After installation, open a terminal in macos, run node -v and npm -v in the terminal to verify the installation.
  4. Uninstall node js in this way is just to delete node, node_modules folder under below global or your personal folders ( for example/usr/local/lib/node,/usr/local/lib/node_modules).

Node Js Free Download For Mac Download

2. Install / Uninstall Node JS Use MacOS Binary.

If you want to use multiple node js version in your mac. You can also download different version of node js zip file, then unzip and save them in different folder. Then you can use different version node js.

  1. Download node js MacOS version binary file.
  2. Unzip the zip file to a local folder, and cd into that folder in terminal. Then you can find the bin folder under it. The node and npm executable file are all saved in the bin folder.
  3. Cd into the bin folder, and execute ./node -v and ./npm -v to verify node and npm version.
  4. If you want to use this node js version conveniently, you can add the bin folder full path ( /Users/zhaosong/Downloads/node-v8.12.0-darwin-x64/bin ) to os system environment variable $PATH. Please refer How To Set JAVA_HOME, MAVEN_HOME Environment Variable In MacOS to learn how to add node bin folder in MacOS $PATH value.
  5. After above step, you can run node command from any directory in terminal, you do not need to go to the node js bin folder to run it.
  6. Uninstall node js in this method is similar with section one in this article. You need to remove the unzip node js folder and related installed node modules.

3. Install / Uninstall Node JS Use MacOS Homebrew.

Homebrew is MacOS package manager tool. You can use it to install MacOS software ( such as node js ) easily.

  1. Run brew -v in terminal to check whether homebrew is installed or not.
  2. If homebrew do not exist, then run below command in terminal to install it on your MacOS.
  3. Then you can install node js use homebrew easily.
  4. Upgrade homebrew command.
  5. To upgrade node with homebrew.
  6. It is also very easy to uninstall node js with homebrew.

Node Js Free Download For Mac
